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Ysgol Gynradd St John Lloyd RC Primary School

To be the best we can be, living to learn, learning to live with God at our side.


YEAR 6 Mrs Brazil


Information on our class structure and curriculum at SJL

In line with our prospectus, classes are mixed ability with some year groups being split year groups. In the case where TEACHING classes are based on ability the pupils parent/ guardian will be notified individually and the reasons explained for the grouping.

In Maths pupils are set as this allows the teaching to maximise the development of pupils skills and understanding. Homework is provided through MY MATHS. Please see the attached link for explanation of  how to maximise homework in addition to set weekly HW by class 


In literacy classes pupils are mixed ability with spelling groups based on pupils spelling ages and their consistent understanding of spelling rules. The school uses Nelson Spelling. The book colour reflects the expected spelling patterns for that year group;

RED =Y1-2, YELLOW = Y2-3, PURPLE= Y3-4, BLUE= Y4, GREEN = Y5, ORANGE =Y6 .  


Welcome back to the final term of 2023!

This term we will be continuing to develop the four purposes of the new curriculum for Wales:


* Ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives

* Enterprising, creative contributors ready to play a full part in life and work

* Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world

* Healthy, confident individuals ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society


Welcome back to the final stretch of your time here at St. John Lloyd!

The summer term promises to be a fun-filled and exciting time for all of us, with lots of challenges and new beginnings to look forward to. We have so many wonderful things planned for you and I hope you will enjoy yourselves as much as we have enjoyed teaching you.


You will be spending time this term meeting some of your new teachers from high school, meeting politicians, taking part in swimming lessons, attending Year 6 masses and celebrations and of course for some of you Morfa Bay will be your residential visit.



Our brand new topics for the summer term are “The Swinging Sixties” and “Artists with Attitude.”. We will be comparing life today with life 60 years ago and investing how and why man made it to the moon. We will also be studying real life heroes, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, JFK and Neil Armstrong and finding out how they influenced the world we live in today.



In our literacy lessons this term, we will be studying biographical writing, explanations and news reports. We will also use be creating films using the “screen for schools” initiative and exploring some of the works of Shakespeare.



In our maths lessons this term will be exploring formulae and number sequences, algebra problems and divisibility tests. We will be continuing to develop our skills of multiplication and division and finding solutions to ratio and proportion problems. We will be investigating patterns relating to circles and learning to read and draw pie charts accurately. Don’t forget to keep checking your “Mymaths” page for extra help and to complete all tasks set.


Our RE topic this term is called “The Ends of the Earth.” Christians believe that the spirit of God is active in each person and the feast of Pentecost is a celebration of this. We will be focusing and reflecting upon the appearance of Jesus after the resurrection, the Ascension of Jesus into heaven and the disciples as witnesses to the Easter message. We will find examples of modern day witnesses and think about how we can become witnesses through our words and actions.


 Don’t forget to keep checking your “BUG CLUB” and “MYMATHS” pages and updated maths targets will be regularly posted on our class page.      

I hope we can have a wonderful term together and remember to continue to be the best that we can be!

Mrs. Brazil



Spellings ( through google classroom)


My maths


Topic based learning / Comprehension Bug Club


Don’t forget your PE kit!

Class mass – November 16th     Carol Concert – December 19th   
