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Ysgol Gynradd St John Lloyd RC Primary School

To be the best we can be, living to learn, learning to live with God at our side.



Summer Term 2024!


This half term, our topic is 'Beside the Seaside'.

We will be learning about 

* sea creatures



* the beach


We will be exploring the sand and water play outdoors with things you can find at the beach! We will be using playdough and other creative materials to make pictures and models of things you can find at the beach. 

We will be looking at the book The Lighthouse Keeper's Tea and writing from the point of view of the character from the story.


Our RE topics this half term are Friends and Our World  - where we will be exploring how to be a good friend to Jesus and how to take care of our world. 



Please keep an eye out on your child's Seesaw to see what they have been leaning. Please leave them a comment as we do share them with the children! heart


Homework will be set on Seesaw every Friday. Please also continue to practice handwriting on Letter Join. 



Please remember to label all your child's items with their name and ensure that they have a coat (not their best!) for outdoor learning.

We are looking forward to a fantastic last term and supporting the children in becoming the very best that they can be at St John Lloyd,


Miss Dudek and the EY staff
