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Ysgol Gynradd St John Lloyd RC Primary School

To be the best we can be, living to learn, learning to live with God at our side.


YEAR 4/5

Information on our class structure and curriculum at SJL

In line with our prospectus, classes are mixed ability with some year groups being split year groups. In the case where TEACHING classes are based on ability the pupils parent/ guardian will be notified individually and the reasons explained for the grouping.

In Maths pupils are set as this allows the teaching to maximise the development of pupils skills and understanding. Homework is provided through MY MATHS. Please see the attached link for explanation of  how to maximise homework in addition to set weekly HW by class 


In literacy classes pupils are mixed ability with spelling groups based on pupils spelling ages and their consistent understanding of spelling rules. The school uses Nelson Spelling. The book colour reflects the expected spelling patterns for that year group;

RED =Y1-2, YELLOW = Y2-3, PURPLE= Y3-4, BLUE= Y4, GREEN = Y5, ORANGE =Y6 


Remember SJL has an open door policy and communication between the school and parents is vital to us developing your child's education. If you would like to discuss any issues with the class teacher or pop in for a chat please book a time slot with the secretary

WELCOME TO Year 4/5 Miss Samuel's Class

Summer Term




Cooks, Critics and Connoisseurs

During this exciting new topic we will have so much to learn about:

we will learn about how:

  • food is distributed throughout the world.
  • to use maps.
  • follow recipes and instructions.
  • to write a set of instructions.
  • to create adverts and posters.
  • to use a range of simple phrases in other languages.
  • to use ICT to present information.
  •  to calculate costs.



To keep up to date with what we are doing in Maths, please have a look at the Maths newsletters posted on the class page belonging to your Maths teacher. Also, don’t forget to complete your My Maths homework online. This is set each Wednesday and you have a week to complete it.



In our language we will be focussing on recipes/instructions/adverts/posters/menus.


Don’t forget to read and complete the activities for 1 book each week on Bug Club. Reading is so important in helping us learn and develop other skills.


A new list of spelling will be posted on our class page each Friday. Please remember to practice these words each day at home ready for your spelling test the following Friday.



In our topic Desert to Garden we will be focussing on:

-St Peter as they look at the Resurrection from St John’s gospel and make links with St Matthew’s account of Peter’s declaration of faith and subsequent betrayal. 

-Through the story of St Peter, they will look at the role of the Pope as St Peter’s successor and begin to understand the structure of the Church and why it is called ‘apostolic’.

-The role of clergy and how they have organisational roles, are teachers and bring people closer to God through the sacraments. 

-May the Marian month where Catholics pay particular attention to asking for the Virgin Mary’s prayers.


In our topic 'Dialogue and Encounter' we will be focussing on: 

-Exploring a little more about the life and work of St Paul, one of the most significant figures in the New Testament. The Acts of the Apostles recount much of his life following his encounter with Christ on the road to Damascus.

-Explore something of the universal Catholic Church and the many different communities of faith that form part of the Catholic Church.

-Describing the five pillars of Islam and why they are an important part of Islamic faith and religious practice for British Muslims today.




Our virtues this term are 'Eloquent and Truthful'.  Our pupils are growing to be eloquent and truthful in what they say of themselves, the relations between people, and the world.



“Do not use harmful words in talking. Use only helpful words, the kind that build up . . . and do good to those who hear you.” St Paul’s letter to the Church at Ephesus 4:29


“The truth will set you free.” Jesus in St John’s gospel 8:32



Our sports session will be on a Wednesday afternoon, and everyone needs to remember their P.E. kit as it is an important part of the curriculum.


What a fantastic term ahead! Let's go for it!


Miss Samuel



Monday - Bug Club book

Wednesday - My Maths

Friday - Spellings


PE - Wednesday (Remember your PE kit)

Maths Newsletters
