To be the best we can be, living to learn, learning to live with God at our side.
Welcome to Nursery
It is a wonderful new year with lots of exciting things to do and learn.
Our topic this term is "Myself". So we shall be learning all about our families.
After half term our Topic will be "Mucky & Messy"
Our R.E. topic is "Creation & Covenant" and then after half term it will be "Prophecy & Promise".
We are always uploading the wonderful things that your children do during their nursery session, so don't forget to look at their seesaw page and also X Twitter @SJLCARDIFF.
Snack is a healthy piece of fruit but on Fridays we have a "treat" where the children can bring in one small treat to eat.
Mondays we have P.E. so please ensure they wear sensible footwear.
Please could all their clothes be labelled.
Diolch for your support
Your Nursery Team
Mrs. Moss
Miss. Sherlock & Mrs. McGivern